Healthy Living with Lisa Varga
By: Lisa Varga
The world is crazy right now. We could all use a dose of faith, peace, and love. It seems like all there is lately in the news is tragedy, hatred, and violence. This has to stop. We have to make a change. I’m afraid for the future of our world if people don’t lay down…
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By: Lisa Varga
Every time I see the photo above, the caption makes me laugh. Do you ever wonder what it would look like if Jesus had a Twitter account? If He used Instagram, or was on facebook? What would His accounts look like? Who would He follow? Who would follow Him? I bet you would be surprised….
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By: Lisa Varga
This is the very first blog entry for my new site and venture called “Healthy Living with Lisa Varga”. It’s a new way to look at life, and a guide to achieve a Healthy Living lifestyle. I have researched the best articles, blogs, videos and recipes to gather information that cover the topics of fitness,…
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